best of luck to all you teams, we are looking forward to seeing the entries (and how high Jenny can make I is growing a foot every day) :)
Merry Christmas to you and yours
Kendra and Brooke
Welcome to The Greatest Little Gingerbread Competition This Side of the North Pole!!
Sorry Everyone it took so long for the rules to get posted. Now there are some people who are taking this alittle too serious.....wink wink I just want to remind everyone why we are having this competition, to raise money.... O.K. The rules
1) This isn't a rule, it is a suggestion..... I recommend everyone do this over a 2 day period, marriages have been ruined because of this. One day for the baking and the other day for the decorating.
2) Because there are families who could be doing this, store bought kits are allowed.
3) Has to be built on a 18" by 20" cookie sheet or piece of plywood.
4) Has to be done by Dec 20th, and judging will be done on the 23rd give or take a couple of days.
5) All decorations have to be edible, if anything looks suspect. You will be required to eat the object via satelite in front of everyone.
6) There will be a 20 dollar entry fee donated to a charity, posted in the other rightups or a charity of your choice. Take a look at Lanna and Bryce's, it a great cause. Lets see how much we can raise, our goal this year is 1 million dollars. I think we have a great chance.....of getting .001 % of that.
7) Besides my partner the pastry chef, There are no professionals allowed.
8) When you have finished your gingerbread, post your best picture you have a also a picture of the team so everyone can see who decorated what.
9) Last but not least, last year we had a cap on how much you can spend on decorations. There is going to be a 30 dollar cap and that is excluding the actual gingerbread. I know that sounds like alot of money but it adds up quick.
If anyone has anymore rules they would like to submit, please send it to http://www.don' Any questions you can contact me at Good luck
Mike Fitzpatrick Gingerbread Master (Not A bad title for someone who has never won....loser)
my vote is for the igloo...for creativity and cuteness of animals
megan mcewan
I love the polar bear-- it made me nervous!!!!
Sue McEwan
I would have picked your igloo but I think the polar bear looks more like a pig, and the blue icing looks like a professional did it.
My name is Malcolm & I am 4 years old. I pick the polar bears and igloo as my favorite.
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