Team Sicamous (Ralph & Lynn)

Seasons Greetings from Sicamous! Welcome to all the new Gingerbread competitors everyone has done a awesome job on their gingerbread creations. We had a lot of fun as well as a bit of frustration at times but as from the words of the Great Gingerbread Master "Patience Little Ones" I know you were all inspired as we were by the Great Gingerbread Master. We only wish he was here so we could have wrapped our Gingerbread dough hands around his neck haha. We hope everyone had a great time as we did and have a wonderful Christmas and we look forward to doing it again next year. (We are going to start ours now!!!)

1 comment:

Greatest Little GBread Competition said...

As Gingerbread Master I know talent and I pick this one. Hopefully this gets me a bigger present next year. Mike

BC Cancer Foundation

Team Bryanna (Bryce and Lanna) have decided to give money to the BC Cancer Foundation. We have participated in a local adventure race in Vancouver over the past two years, and one of the main volunteers, Jordy, has a mother who has been diagnosed with a Stage 3 ovarian tumor. He has been trying to raise money to help with all the costs of medicine and travel as she does not have comprehensive medical insurance. In November, Jordy did a fundraiser called "Grind cancer away on Grouse Mountain" to help raise money for his mother's treatment. If any of you are interested in donating to Jordy's cause, go to the following internet website: